New Home Pre Handover Inspections
Home Building Assist – providing New Home Pre Handover Inspections for Property Owners Looking to Take Ownership of their newly built home.
The Home Building Assist new home pre handover inspections will ensure that any major defects are identified once your builder informs you that your home is practically complete.
What is a Home Building Assist New Home Pre Handover Inspection?
A new home pre handover inspection will provide you and your builder with a necessary document that records defects of your newly built home before you take up residence. This is best carried out by an independent building inspector.
Having this official walkthrough of your newly constructed home will ensure there are no major defects that require fixing before your home is handed over and you move in.
Why use an Independent Inspector for a New Home Pre Handover Inspection
You as the homeowner, have no doubt fallen in love with your new home. You’re likely so excited that you’re super keen to move in as soon as possible and start enjoying the amazing home that has just been built for you.
As a result, you may not see issues with your newly constructed house, which is understandable. After all, you don’t have a trained eye like an experienced builder does, to spot areas that need addressing.
Further, you may not see eye to eye with your builder on what needs fixing before you take ownership.
Protecting Your Asset
New home pre handover inspections are designed to give you security against unaddressed defects that do need attention.
Our building inspector will ensure your home meets the minimum building stand requirements and that the quality of the build is sound. You then have a detailed report and can make a considered judgement as to what should be rectified prior to the move.
Avoiding Litigation
If you and your builder go it alone and as a result cannot agree on what ‘reasonable’ defects are, you could find yourself in a legal dispute. This can blow out your budget and cause no end to frustration. It also dilutes any trust you have built up during the building process.
Having an independent inspector who is also a qualified and registered builder with experience, will provide a fair and non-biased report.
Avoiding Delays on Moving
When a final walkthrough is conducted by your builder, you may not agree on the severity of defects and what should or should not be rectified.
The Home Building Assist pre-handover inspection will ensure a non-biased, fair appraisal of your newly built home so you can have defects fixed and move in sooner than you may anticipate.
Affordable New Home Final Handover Inspections from Home Building Assist
The Home Building Assist pre-handover condition report is a worthwhile investment to minimise disputes and move you forward after a long building process.
Get your new home pre handover quote by completing your details on the form above or call 0412 584 345 to speak with a Home Building Assist building inspector.